Distance los angeles malibu
Distance los angeles malibu4 The journey time between Los Angeles and Malibu Beach is around 1h 56m and covers a distance of around 38 miles. This includes an average layover time of around 31 min. Operated by Metro Los Angeles, the Los Angeles to Malibu Beach service departs from 7th Street / Metro Center Station - Metro A Line and arrives in Cross Creek / Malibu Theatre.
Driving Distance from Los Angeles, CA to Malibu, CA - Travelmath There are miles from Los Angeles to Malibu in west direction and 33 miles ( kilometers) by car, following the CA 1 route. Los Angeles and Malibu are 42 minutes far apart, if you drive non-stop. This is the fastest route from Los Angeles, CA to Malibu, CA. The halfway point is Santa Monica, CA.
Distance between Los Angeles, CA and Malibu, CA The distance between Los Angeles Airport (LAX) and Malibu is 17 miles. The road distance is miles. Get driving directions.
How far is Malibu from Los Angeles - driving distance - Trippy Can I drive from Los Angeles to Malibu? Where can I stay near Malibu? Launch map view Distance: miles Duration: 1h 57m What companies run services between Los Angeles, CA, USA and Malibu, CA, USA? You can take a bus from Los Angeles to Malibu via Santa Monica / 4th and Broadway / 3rd St Promenade in around 2h 2m. Train operators.
Los Angeles to Malibu - 4 ways to travel via tram, line 134 bus, There are miles from Malibu to Los Angeles in east direction and 34 miles ( kilometers) by car, following the CA 1 route. Malibu and Los Angeles are 42 minutes far apart, if you drive non-stop. This is the fastest route from Malibu, CA to Los Angeles, CA. The halfway point is Santa Monica, CA.
Distance los angeles malibu8 The total driving distance from Los Angeles, CA to Malibu, CA is 36 miles or 58 kilometers. Your trip begins in Los Angeles, California. It ends in Malibu, California. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Los Angeles, CA to Malibu, CA so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.
Distance los angeles malibu6
The driving distance from Los Angeles International Airport to Malibu, California is: 36 miles / 58 km Los Angeles to Malibu drive road conditions from Los Angeles to Malibu flattest route from Los Angeles to Malibu Plan your road trip at Recommended videos Powered by AnyClip AnyClip Product Demo Driving distance from Los Angeles to Malibu is 36 miles The nearest airport is Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), which is about 25 minutes away without traffic. Downtown Los Angeles is about the same distance from Malibu as the airport, but keep in mind that rush hour traffic from anywhere in LA can significantly prolong your trip.